on development cooperation, from A to Z ": As part of the Saturday of the People's University of Applied Sciences Bern SRK told two employees on 29 January 2011 in the foyer of the Bern City Theater from their work.
"Hard, very hard" was the message from student Laura after the film of SRK blindness to poverty in Ghana. Laura is impressed by the fate of two blind girls in northern Ghana to see after an eye operation for the first time in their lives - and dare to smile. "Only a few kilometers off the highways, people live like in the Middle Ages," Spring tells Beatrix that the project "Old Gold for Sight" has co-founded. The drinking water comes from a green pool, eating is mashed Pflanzenmus. Malnutrition, poor hygiene and repeated conjunctivitis have been blind children. And who does nothing more, has no chance. "This is why it is so important to take action against poverty blindness something." Extrapolating from the costs of the SRK project, an eye surgery comes to around 50 francs. affect the arguments of Beatrix Spring and see a lady in the room completely, "Take donations to as a standing order?"

eye control in Ghana, © SRK, text, picture shop, Hilde Eberhard, Uznach
"And what does a spectacle in Togo?" wants to know an elderly man by the person responsible for Ghana, Togo and Mali, Joseph Kasper. "Five francs, thanks to the fact that many give Opticians old racks or tool." Hundreds of volunteers, the vision of young and old test in their villages. Who does not have enough, get a pair of glasses. "The mistrust is sometimes great," said Joseph Kasper, "hardly anyone knows what a spectacle. But if people can see and work again, they do it much better. "

eye test © SRK in Togo, Joseph Kasper
basic health is a major focus of the SRC. Together with local organizations and thousands of volunteers with the SRC in Togo in health promotion. Joseph Kasper says: "Sometimes it takes very little to save a human life. A simple mosquito net for six francs protects mother and child from infection with malaria. And a solution of clean drinking water, a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of sugar can save a diarrhoeic small child's life "After the conclusion of the presentation has a visitor or a wish to the SRC". They give a lot more informed about what you with your work every target. "
>> Help on poverty blindness
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