"Above all, the good and cordial relationship with the Haitian staff members, I will remember forever," she says somewhat wistfully. The SRK-nurse had gone just after Christmas in the aftermath of a severe cholera epidemic Caribbean island. There she appeared in the SRC and Médecins du Monde-operated 40-bed tent hospital for cholera victims in the town of Grand-Goâve. She was primarily responsible for the training of local nurses and caregivers.

check-up in a small cholera patients (SRC / CRS).
When Sabine Hediger told by their use, the images are quite vivid. As the ambulance was missing, and aid workers installed ado a mattress on the cargo deck of a pickup truck to transport the patients to the clinic. She ran on the uneven vehicle to monitor the patients.

Sabine Hediger drive on the improvised ambulance with (SRC / CRS).
Full of admiration, she speaks of the "hygienists, the employees and for cleaning around the clock in several shifts working 20 young men. Many of them are students or even have a college degree, but no regular job. Now they are not too good to be washed in the vomit and diarrhea-filled buckets to empty and the patients. Although they are paid for, but not princely.

infusions for the cholera patients (SRC / CRS) .
Sabine Hediger was a good and direct connection to these local 'Hygienists', because it went from day interest in their work and was willing to listen to them. A special memory for her is the young man who has learned of an elderly woman, her little grandchild was suffering from cholera. They took the baby to the hospital and saved his life. "The Red Cross service in our armed forces has helped me to ensure understanding to apply for these men. The life of a confined space and to improvise, I am accustomed to me by the service, "she says.
Now the mother of four children aged 6 to 13 years back in their canton of Lucerne Oberkirch. During the three weeks everything went well at home. All are proud of it.
But the Haiti mission of their mother and wife. The reunion was a big surprise. The returnee has had namely weaving in Grand-Goâve spontaneously at a hairdresser at the roadside their hair into small braids in the Afro-look. "Now you're a Haitian," she cried with joy to the people there. Sabine Hediger took this meet as a compliment. For several weeks now the outward change their nostalgic memories of Haiti is to express.
Photos of the cholera hospital in Haiti
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