The SRK Nurse Sabine Hediger reported their work in the cholera hospital in Haiti. For the mother of four, it is her first humanitarian mission abroad.
Every day, many new patients, some are in very bad shape. Today, we struggled for several hours to the life of a one-year girl. It was already in a coma when it was brought. Fortunately, the SRC's pediatrician Isabelle Guess is here, she knew what to do. Meanwhile, the little one is out of the woods and drink again from the breast of the mother.
far, I have fortunately not experienced no deaths. One can say that if the patients make it this far, chances are good that they survive the cholera. The problem is the way, if they come from far away. To even in remote villages to treat sick people, are now set up small outposts: tents, each with six beds, two nurses be operated. This is a special challenge. In order to find suitable professionals, we have suspended the treatment center a listing. Within a very short time received 15 applications. My task now is to ask the candidates to test, so we can assess whether they meet the challenge.
is surprisingly little that my job does not include primary care, but the training of personnel. The local nurses need to know about the treatment of cholera know. It is very important to observe the patient well and monitor: the pulse, respiration, eyes and skin. A patient's condition can deteriorate rapidly, and if one does not immediately recognize it may be too late. Because of severe diarrhea, water loss in cholera is immense. We had a patient who had within 12 hours, 20 liters of water are supplied.
have sometimes put the local nurses to trouble infusions. This is why I spoke yesterday held a workshop in which we practiced against each other. On the picture you can see how one of my Haitian colleagues experimentally infected on my arm the needle.
More images from the clinic in Haiti:
recorded telephone conversation Kathy Schindler, SRK
>> Donations for cholera control in Haiti
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